CORONA - an eye opener πŸ€” ??

If I say CORONA affecting almost whole of the globe proffering us sleepless nights is actually God's thunderclap to the world and remind - "Time for some extreme changes folks ". 

Life was good, though a mess sometimes but it was cool. Right? Common dude atleast we owned the whole planet, and vagabonded freely. 😁

Things started changing when corona decided to extend its claws with first case of COVID - 19 being reported on 30th jan 2020 in Kerala. (A new year present πŸ˜‘? Huh)

Things turned worse when it plagued and boomed covering nearly the whole nation but gratitude to honarable prime minister, for taking the right step at the right time LOCKDOWN - 24th March 2020 changing our daily lives😟.

In the midst of all the chaos, have you ever tried to sit down for a while and think - "how the whole thing is affecting us?"
OK, I know lot of mental pressure encircling all of us... What after lockdown? Will life be same? 

No; may be, it will turn better than before πŸ˜‰ (the optimist in me is speaking)

The whole world is at a hault. A sneak peek to the Corona year 2020 πŸ‘€ 

• Places of worships closed, hospitals with God standing to protect us. 

• Police officers were always criticized for being heartless, now being seen caring for every citizen.

• Mask became as important as breathing. 

• Social distancing made us realise the pain of nuclear families.

• Isolation, for few months made us think "we are trapped". What about the poor animals in zoo trapped for a life time 😒

• Schools and colleges are not essential 😁.. Thanks to the online classes, not playing with the future of India.

• Public places like park, beaches, malls museums, not accessible to public.

• We can ofcourse live on homely foods with limited veggies surviving mostly on pulses.

• Every sports competition has been cancelled. 

• Grand Indian weddings are now a thing of past. 

• Funerals with limited cohabitants.

• India seems a good place to live now by all the NRIs who always thought working abroad is a good option. 

• We understood, indian government is not that bad as we always thought of it.

• No one travelling for leisure. Empty airports and railway stations. Tourism facing worst crisis in history. 

• Living on essential commodities..

This tough time taught us to live for the moment, tomorrow is uncertain ; surviving on little is not that difficult ; grand weddings are just show off, limiting it to a small event is not that bad; foreign returned is no more a prestigious thing ; beating doctors can get you nothing; health is the real wealth.

We Indians have patience and determination... Will fight this epidemic and come out with a better tomorrow ☺️

Like a phoenix bird we will reborn from the ashes.

Image courtesy - Google 


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